Monday, May 09, 2011

Trying for weekly..........

I’m really going to try and start blogging again. My goal for now will be a weekly update. Hopefully I will be able to get in the groove of updating weekly and that will make it easier to start blogging more regularly.

This last week was a good one. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and everything still looks great. I’m still gaining weight and the doctor wants me to slow down on gaining so much. I’ve already put on 21 pounds which is quite a bit. I try to make myself feel better about it since I have been feeling so good lately, but I am going to try to eat better and go on more walks. Hopefully I won’t gain as much in the second half. I am 24 w 3 d today.

Mother’s Day was Sunday and when I got home from work on Friday, C had a present for me. It was a plastic cup that had paper on the inside of it. It said ‘MOM’ in glitter and he had colored on it. He was so excited for me to open it. J also got me a gift which really surprised me. It was a boy and girl charm from James Avery. For some reason he thought I wouldn’t like it, but I thought it would super sweet and thoughtful. We stayed home Friday night and my parents came over on Saturday. My dad and J went to play golf and me, my mom, and C met them at the golf course after they were finished so C could get in some practice on the putting green. He wouldn’t use is putter (only his iron) but he had a great time. We went home for a nap after golf and had supper at Logan’s Roadhouse. I usually really like Logan’s, but our service was horrible. I’m kind of turned off on them right now. My parents left Saturday after supper.

We made a trip to Stephenville on Sunday for lunch with J’s mom and grandmother. Lunch was a little tense because that is right at C’s nap time. He didn’t want to eat or sit in his chair, but we made it through. We went back to J’s grandmother’s house to watch the Mavericks beat the Lakers while C took a nap. After C woke up, we went to eat supper and then C decided he should get to go to the lake for the week. J’s mom will be at the lake so C is going to stay with her. I am glad that he gets to change up his normal routine for the week, but it makes me sad that he isn’t at home with us. I miss him like crazy. It is so weird to be at home when he is not there. J even said he had dreams about C last night and that it is even harder now for him to be away from home.

We have some big plans for this coming week. Depending on when C comes back home, J and I might try to make it to the 8.0 music series this Wednesday. I don’t know if it will happen or not, but we can hope! We will also be going to the Rangers game on Friday with one of J’s cousins. I’m really excited about it. They moved to Illinois so we haven’t seen them in a while. On Saturday, we have a 100 year old birthday party to go to. J’s grandfather’s uncle will be 100 and we will all be there to celebrate!

That’s enough for now. We have a lot going on but we tend to stay busy. Until next week………..

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