Girl C was born on Friday, August 19th. That is 3 years and 2 months after I had Boy C. The labor and delivery process was so different between the 2 of them.
I was induced with Boy C at 39 weeks because I had high blood pressure and was starting to show other signs of pre-eclampsia. I went in to be induced Saturday morning at 6:30 and was in labor for 12 hours before I ended up having to have an emergency C-Section. His heart rate was dropping and we couldn't get it to stabilize. I went back to have surgery and it seemed to go pretty fast. I was pretty out of it since I had been in labor all day and had a lot of drugs in my system. After surgery I didn't feel good at all and was shaking like crazy. I was quite a while before I was able to hold him. He was born at 6:22 pm.
Fast forward 3 years and 2 months. I had a scheduled C-Section with Girl C at 39 weeks. My blood pressure was great and I didn't have any other signs of pre-eclampsia. We went in Friday morning at 9:30, surgery was scheduled for 11:30 and she was born at 11:55 am. The surgery seemed to last a lot longer and they had to do a lot of pushing on my stomach to get her to come out. I felt great after the surgery and was actually able to hold her on our way back to recovery.
With Boy C, we were in the hospital for 5 days. My blood pressure was still up and I wasn't feeling good at all. With Girl C, we came home the second day. It is just crazy to be sitting here typing this with a 5 day old, sitting at my house and being able to get up and do pretty much what I need to do. I still get a little tired and hurt every once in a while, but I feel amazing compared to Boy C's recovery. I'm starting to get used to her and it's all coming back on what to do. Our little family is complete and we are so excited.
20 Questions with Atticus at age 8
5 years ago