Today is splash day at C's school. I'm not really sure what that means; however, I know that he had to wear a swim suit and bring a towel with him today. Last night he was complaining about going to bed (which he does every night, he is never tired!) and J told him he needed his sleep for splash day tomorrow. That obviously worked because we didn't hear a peep out of him the entire night. He has ended up in our bed the 2 previous nights, so I was pretty excited for a full nights sleep.
So when C woke up this morning, we were still talking about splash day because he didn't want to go to school (he never does!). I told him he had to go because it was splash day and he gets to wear his swimsuit. He was excited about the swim suit, but said "I go lake." We had to tell him that he couldn't go to the lake and he had to go to school. Then I made the mistake of asking C if I could go to splash day with him. Of course he said "no" (he always does!) and that was that, so I thought. J called me after dropping C off at school to let me know that C was upset because I wasn't coming to splash day. Go figure! "Momma go to splash day?" "Momma come to splash day with me?" J had to inform he that I had to work (that is where he always says I am) and that he told me I couldn't come to splash day with him. Apparently that didn't work, but I'm sure he had a great time anyway. I'll ask him all about it tonight!
20 Questions with Atticus at age 8
5 years ago